Become A Charcoal Pro
Enhance your charcoal cooking experience! Whether you're looking for the perfect searing zone, high OR low indirect heat, or a charcoal bank deflector, let the Vortex do the work with 3 sizes to choose from.
Cook competition quality meat in your own backyard! If you love cooking with charcoal, you'll love what you can do with the Vortex. Made in the U.S.A.

Low & Slow Cooking/Smoking
The Vortex can redirect the flow of heat up and around the meat which can turn your kettle into a true indirect ‘smoker’.
High Heat Indirect Cooking
It all started in an effort to get ‘fried-like’ skin on my chicken wings on the grill.
High Heat Searing
This is your searing option. Picture the back of a jet engine where the fire is shooting out of the exhaust cones. This is what you will get that intense sear from.
Radiant Heat
Due to the grate-to-lid height on a kettle, making an upright (or ‘beer can’) chicken can be difficult to cook in an 18.5” or 22.5” kettle.
Premium Rub
Poultry Rub Chicken Seasoning
Expertly crafted for the perfect Chicken with your Vortex Baffle Accessory.
Grilling Grate
with removable searing grate
The perfect accessory for Weber Kettle, WSM, BGE, UDS or Kamados that use a 21.5" grate.
Steak Searing Grate
For use with medium Vortex
Perfect seared steaks have never been better with our Steak Grate Vortex accessory.Congratulations to Kyle Matuszewski and his Dad for winning back to back SCA championships in wings and lamb with the Vortex! Read More About it Here...