Winner’s Circle
Congratulations to Kyle Matuszewski and his Dad for winning back to back SCA championships in wings and lamb with the Vortex!

Kyle Matuszewski
Your Behind BBQ
Waddell Arizona
Kansas City bbq society cook
Steak Cookoff association cook
Barbeque championship series cook
World food championships cook
World steak championship cook
My name is Kyle Matuszewski head cook of Your Behind BBQ. My team consists of just my dad and I. Vortex is second nature to us, at home we use the Vortex 3 times a week. From meal prep to impressing family with some chicken wings! Using the Vortex in competitions this past year we currently hold the 1st place wing title in a SCA competition in Kanab, Utah. 1st place Vortex lamb in appetizer bullhead city, Arizona KCBS contest, 1st place Wings Appetizer Bullhead city Bullhead city, Arizona. 1st place Chefs Choice/appetizer lamb Tucson Arizona. All which we used the Vortex! Follow us at Your_Behind_bbq on Instagram for some cool Vortex recipes including deep fried chicken using the vortex!

Congratulations Mike Rice!
Mike from ‘Knife Pork and Spoon BBQ’ Won the ‘Wing Champion Steak Spooktacular 2018’ using the Vortex.
Got a vortex for my Weber kettle, and just did a batch of bacon wrapped, cream cheese stuffed jalapenos employing the center placed indirect approach with the vortex and some cheap lump charcoal. I only loaded the device ~ half way, but the heat was amazing. 450-500F under the dome. Add to that a large hardwood chunk on the grill over the vortex for smoke. Amazing if you’re looking for high temp indirect cooking, like wings, poppers, chicken pieces, etc. Thanks for making this product!